Saturday, May 18, 2013

Our Hospital Stay

The hospital stays after a baby is born are always a blur, so I wanted to document the time we spent in our little bubble before returning to the real world. After his birth story post, we left off with him being in my arms immediately after birth:

After we were both cleaned up, my family got to come in. They ended up being the only ones able to stay the whole time since it was a 13 hour labor...

Gramsy got to hold Porter first:

Then Aunt Teighynne:

Aunt Maesynne:

Aunt Bevynne:

Aunt Mal:

After everyone left, we thought we would finally be able to get some sleep, especially after our rough night the night before. Well, when you have a baby at 10:30, his bath happens at 1:00 a.m. followed by his initial tests. Then a little later, I got all my I.V.'s taken out and was helped out of bed for the first time since my epidural. Then at 4:00 a.m. the nurse came in to move us to our recovery room. We had to get up and pack all of our stuff and move to the other wing of the hospital at 4:00...we weren't that excited.

At about 6:30 that morning, I gave up on sleeping as my doctor and Porter's doctor stopped by. I spent those early hours just studying our newest little miracle.

And Daddy got to do his first diaper change with Porter.

That morning I was really excited for Paxton to come meet his brother:

Granny V also got to come:

And Grandpa Mark:

And Uncle Josh (who had been keeping Pax):

And a little later, Granny V came back with Aunt Maddy. Maddy loves her nephews a lot. She has always been so sweet with Paxton and she has always been able to make him laugh. She was really sweet with Porter too:

She gave him lots of kisses:

We remembered that our second night was pretty rough with Pax and the nurse confirmed that most babies were that way. Porter was awake more the second night than the first night, but we quickly found out that he loves to be snuggled, and if he was being held he slept great. We did what worked for sleep that night (especially after the huge hail storm that pelted Jared's car).

We knew we would be leaving the next morning, so nobody stopped by. We spent the morning enjoying one last hospital breakfast, getting Porter's hearing test, visiting with the lactation consultant, newborn photos and packing everything in the room that wasn't nailed down. By the time we finished all that, it was time for lunch so we took our time and had some hospital lunch too. Porter got some snuggles with Daddy:

And we loaded him up and headed home.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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