Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Happy Birthday!

HAPPY 26th BIRTHDAY!!  We have had a fun time celebrating your six day birthday extravaganza with you. 

Hot Springs 2008
 I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you.  I can't imagine a better husband or a better daddy for Paxton.  You work so hard so that I can stay home with Paxton and you always make me feel good about staying home.  You have never once complained about the sacrifices you have had to make as we make the transition into one income.

Dream Job! 2009

I'm proud of you for how hard you worked to finish school.  You went through several majors, but stuck with it and graduated!  Then you got your dream job where you put in your best work every day.  Paxton is lucky to have such a good example of hard work and pursuing dreams. 

You are an amazing partner.  You are always willing to help around the house, make a bottle, change a diaper.  I have never had a complaint about you not doing your share.  I love watching you play with Paxton.  He loves you so much.  I'm so glad he has you for his daddy.  I know you will always be somebody he can look up to and watch and know how to be a good man.  I know you will always be around for him.  I know you will patiently teach him and discipline him.  I know you will always be up for a game of catch or a wrestling match.  I can't wait until he realizes how lucky he is to have you.

23rd birthday, 2009
I know you will do anything in your power to make us happy.  You will make any sacrifice for us without ever complaining.  I'm so glad we have a day (well...ok, a week) to spoil you and to show you how much you mean to us.
Thanks for being up for any kind of family fun (including taking Pax on our first family vacation to Lake Wister).  You are a great trip planner, and I like how road trips mean gas station candy.  It's just automatic.  I love all of our traditions like that. 

Thanks for being my best friend, for listening to me when I get overwhelmed.  You're always here for me when I get hurt, or when I'm stressed.  You make me laugh like nobody else can.
(the picture that made me decide I wanted a little boy)

Thanks for taking care of all the man stuff in my life.  You always take care of my oil changes, tire issues, picture hanging, and bad guy scoping.  You are my Mr. Fix-It.  I haven't always had that and I appreciate it so much.

I love how you can come home from a long day at work and immediately pick up your son and start playing with him, before you can even change into sweats.  I love how you do "Going on a camping trip" to make him calm down or to make him laugh.

I'm so thankful for you and the family that we have built together.  I can't wait to celebrate your next hundred birthdays with you.  I love you so much...NMW.

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