Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Easter was amazing this year since we were back in OK to celebrate it! Since it was Porter's last first holiday, we tried to pack in as much fun as we could. 

We started by dying Easter eggs before we left NC. 
It was Paxton's first year to dye eggs so we had lots of cracked, brownish ones when we were done but he had a blast! His hands were completely purple for about four days afterwards since he just reached in the cups to get the eggs out and toss them into the next color. 
We went by Gramsy's house on Easter Eve when we got to Oklahoma and she gave the boys their Easter baskets. 
On Easter morning, we woke up to donuts from Grandpa Mark and some presents from the Easter bunny. Paxton's favorite part were his two Hot Wheels cars and Porter is obsessed with his little penguin. 

We got ready...
...and headed to church with Gramsy. 

After church, we went to Granny's house for Easter lunch. 
After lunch, Granny V gave the boys their Easter baskets and then Paxton and Aunt Maddy headed outside to look for eggs. 
Porter even found an egg!
Uncle Rich's kids came over with their two kids who were 2.5 and 3.5. Paxton had a blast running around with them and playing frisbee. 

After that, we headed to Gramsy's house for our annual Easter cookout. 
These boys love being around family. They laughed and played until they were exhausted. We took a trip to Wal-Mart and Gramsy bought her boys some jammies and outfits. We came back to her house, gave the boys baths and put them in their brand new jammies. Porter lasted about three more minutes before he passed out on Gramsy. 

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