Monday, July 4, 2016

June Recap!

June flew by. The summer seems so L ong when it's first starting, but we are quickly realizing that we only have one more full month before a certain little boy starts kindergarten!
Here's how we've been keeping busy so far:

The boys snuck in one last night in their matching jammies before Paxton and Lincoln grew out of theirs. They loved it so much. It was adorable. 
We went to Touch-a-Truck and it was super crowded and hot, but the boys had a blast...except for the part where the sirens were way too loud for Porter. 
We've been spending lots and lots of time at the pool. The boys are obsessed and both can navigate the whole poolwith  their floaties on. Time to learn how to swim without them!
My favorite part of summer so far was tiny Paxton learning how to read! I was reading to him one night and I randomly started pointing at words I thought he would know and he did! Then he started sounding out other words and was really reading! So proud of my biggest boy! This has maybe been my favorite milestone so far. I love watching his face while he tries to sound out words and I love seeing how proud he is when he gets it right!
We took a little weekend trip to Texas to see our besties and had a blast! 
The kids played in the water for hours, ate dinner and were back in the their clothes...

They dried off and changed and went outside to do pop-pops and confetti bombs. 
Lincoln had his first trip to the pool and slept through pretty much the whole thing. He woke up when I dipped his feet in the pool to cool him off and wasn't happy. 
He had his 2 month check-up and is growing well! He's the tiniest boy so far and weighed 11 pounds, 12 ounces and was 22 inches and in the 37th percentile for weight and the 50th for height (although I don't think the nurse stretched him out all the way). I asked the doctor if she thought he had a tongue tie and she said she didn't think so but would bring in 2 other doctors in her practice to double-check. The first came in and said it looked a little tight but was probably fine. The second doctor said he did have a tongue tie and immediately asked his nurse for his scissors and snipped it right there. I was so surprised! But he only cried for a second and nursing is going so much better now!
Aunt Mallory gave Paxton her little tool box from when she was little and he has been out in the garage with Jared every weekend working on projects and figuring out how all the tools work. It's adorable. 
We took a super hero picture for Daddy for Father's Day and I got one with no tears and two smiles! I call it a win. 
The boys are still loving their baby brother and barely give him any personal space, but there is nothing sweeter than seeing them run to him when he's crying and do their very best to console him. 
Paxton hates naps and has figured out an excellent way to stay up without getting in trouble. He works really hard to make his bed and then calls me in to see it. I can't be mad when he's so proud! 
Little Linc has gone from a newborn to a baby and we're loving it. He's way more alert and working on his smiles. He's stingy with them, but when they happen, they're amazing. 
Sunday mornings have become family pool day at our neighborhood pool and we fill it up! We usually stay for hours and have a blast. Then the boys all take epic naps. 
Last Sunday when we got back from the pool, it started raining. I tried to get the boys to go out and play in it. Paxton wouldn't even come outside and Porter just played on the patio and stuck his hand and his bug out to feel the drops. A warm bath was more their speed. 
Paxton got a braum's card for a late birthday gift from Aunt MaeMae and took us all out for ice cream. Porter ended up completely covered in chocolate stickiness but that's what being a little boy is all about! 
Paxton has been going strong with teeball and at his last game, he even ran after a ball and got it! He has improved his attitude so much from last year when he would cry or throw fits if he didn't get to field the ball. 
And finally, Paxton started swimming lessons today. He has started being able to swim from me to the wall and we are hoping to get him to be a full-fledged swimmer by the end of the summer. 

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