Friday, July 26, 2013

On Having Three

As soon as people found out Porter was another boy, we started getting asked if we were going to start trying for a girl. It's like people don't think our family is complete unless we have both genders.

First of all, two is great. Jared and I can each take care of one when we go out or during bath time or mealtime. Nobody is left out. I know we were lucky to have two so easily and that both are healthy. There is no guarantee that we would be so lucky with a third. My pregnancies were both a little complicated with my blood pressure issue and I'm not sure if my body is ready for a third. Also, two is tough! At least while Porter is in the newborn stage and I can't wrap my mind around adding a third right now. I'm sure as Porter turns into a toddler and Paxton grows into a little boy, the baby fever will hit. Then we can decide to go for three.

That brings us to the whole girl thing.

I love little girls. My bestie has the most precious baby girl and I can't get enough of her darling clothes and sassy attitude. But I love my boys! Being a boy mom is awesome! I love the cars and the mud and the throwing and the tiny polos. I love that I have a tiny pair of brothers who will grow up competing and playing together.

So the answer is no. We won't be trying for a third to have a girl. If we decide to have a third, we will be excited for either. I don't feel like I need a girl to complete our family. I feel like our family could be complete now. Or another boy might complete it. I don't think we'll know until we just know. I think one day we will just look at each other and know.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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