Monday, July 1, 2013

Keeping Busy

Adjusting to two little boys has definitely been keeping us busy and I haven't had a chance to blog lately! I wanted to document everything we've been doing.
Jared was out of town for two weeks in June. It was not easy for me on my own. We tried to have some fun while Daddy was gone though.
We went to the park:

Went to Wal-Mart where Paxton spotted a Mickey straw cup and fell in love. It didn't have a price tag so he was holding it (and giving it kisses) while we continued to shop and look for a price scanner. When we found one, I discovered the cup was $10! Gramsy traded him for a box of cookies, then he saw this ball and HAD to have it. He almost lost it when we had to hand it to the cashier to pay...he even held it in the car.

We went to Braum's and Pax got a strawberry ice cream cone.

Paxton has been a big help (for a two-year-old) with Porter. He takes his bottles to the sink when Porter is finished, he covers Porter up with blankies and he loves to give Porter his pacifier.

He's always so proud when he jams it in.

Lately he has been asking to hold Porter a lot which I think is precious. He says "hold him" and tries to scoop him up. As I pick Porter up to hand him to Pax, he sits so still and holds out his arms. About two seconds into holding him Pax is done and wants to get down.
Jared found Pax this remote controlled firetruck at Granny Pat's house that he used to play with when he was little. Paxton loves it! I love watching him play with things from Jared's childhood.

We have been spending a lot of time outside. Paxton loves the pool and has learned to kick his feet and swim across the pool (in his puddle jumper) and float on his back.
He also likes Kool-aid Popsicles.

I accidentally put both boys in their OU gear a few days ago and when I noticed I had to take a brother picture!

Apparently I have taken brother pictures a lot lately because Paxton knows the drill. I put him in the chair and he holds out his arm and says "baby".

They love each other.
And this guy has been a lot happier lately. We have caught lots of smiles.

Porter had his two month check-up and shots. Even though he weighed a pound and an ounce less than Pax did at birth, at his check-up he weighed 2 ounces more than Pax did at his 2 month check-up and was only a half inch shorter! We knew he was growing a ton lately but I definitely didn't expect that! He was between the 50th and 75th percentile for weight and height.

And Paxton came too and loved the stairs up to the exam table. I even had the iPad (which he is OBSESSED WITH lately) and he wanted nothing to do with it.

After Jared got back from his traveling, we took The boys to a splash pad in OKC.

Paxton was hesitant at first because he didn't understand what was happening. But, a few minutes in, he was running around and having a blast. Since it was a Monday, we had the place to ourselves!

Porter didn't have as much fun:

We celebrated Father's Day with a trip to Garbanzo for lunch.

We took Jared's dad pictures (which is a yearly tradition). They go in a three opening frame on his desk and we will update them every year.

Hopefully they'll go a little better next year. That night we cooked out and took some pictures of Jared with his boys.

Last weekend, we got to watch Uncle Josh marry Aunt Candy! Jared was the Best Man and looked pretty handsome in his tux.

Of course that meant that I was on my own with the two boys for the wedding...and Paxton is not at a stage where he enjoys sitting still or being quiet. Porter had his shots the day before and was fussy, so I decided at the last second not to take him. We stocked up on all the supplies we could think of to keep Paxton busy for the ceremony and got ready.

It was a perfect wedding! I am so happy for Josh and Candy and am very excited to have a sister-in-law on that all boy side of the family!

Paxton did pretty well. He yelled DOWN a couple of times but we made it through without a fit.

Afterwards he loved running around the church while we took pictures. Grandpa even helped him balance.

The reception was at a hotel downtown so we were lucky enough to have my mom come stay in our hotel room with the boys during the reception. That way we could enjoy ourselves without juggling the boys, but we were able to bring Paxton down for some dancing. Then we got to spend the night as a family.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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