Monday, October 5, 2015

THIRTY! happened. I left my 20s on Friday. It happened despite all my efforts to slow time down and stay in my 20s for at least 3 more years. At least I went out in style, surrounded by love and some pretty great presents. 

Friday morning, I woke up to a warm breakfast of McDonald's sausage McMuffin and iced coffee and a homemade present. Jared and the boys made me a big frame to hang my favorite Instagram pictures on. 
Porter and I had a normal morning while Paxton was at school, and when we picked him up, we headed downtown to eat lunch with Jared. I picked Louie's because you can't go wrong there. 

Jared and Porter matched. 

The boys and I headed home for rest time, and Jared came home a little early. He and the boys made me a cake and I got to open the rest of my presents. They went with a homemade theme this year and made me 2 more decorations and a necklace hanger out of driftwood from the James River in Richmond (one of our favorite family memories). 
And then we got ready for dinner. Jared invited both sides of the family and I picked the rooftop patio at Flat Tire. 
Porter got to sit by baby Brooks for the first time. They both loved it. 
After dinner, they brought us out Smores. Paxton was too busy playing with his aunts to participate but Porter loved eating the chocolate and setting the marshmallows on fire. 
On the way out, the same live musician that had let Paxton play drums last one was there. Paxton walked over to see him and once again, he invited him to play the drums. 

On Saturday night, we met up with our friends Justin and Jessie for dinner and Trapped while the boys stayed with Granny V. We ate at Charleston's and it didn't disappoint. Then it was time for Trapped. Another couple had signed up for our time slot at the last second, so they joined us...but we ended up escaping in record time. The room had an 18% success rate but we got out and set the new record! 
We had a blast!

Sunday morning, we heard whispering coming from the living room and then Pax said "Porter hurry before Mommy comes or we'll get in trouble". So I went in to find them eating the icing off my birthday has happened twice since then. I guess they think they made a pretty delicious cake. 
It was a pretty epic birthday and I was so appreciative of everyone who celebrated with me!

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