Monday, October 15, 2012

Finding Out

 (This post was written in August--so some things have changed. We have told the families, the world at large, and have had our first appointment)

We were hoping that this (August) was the month. For a number of reasons, we had concluded that May would be the perfect month for Baby #2's birthday. I had taken a test the Sunday before (which was five days early) and it had been negative. Prior to that test, I was pretty confident that I was pregnant because I thought that I had felt the implantation. After the "Not Pregnant" showed up, we both convinced ourselves that this wasn't the month.

Thursday was THE DAY...and it came and went without incident. I haven't always been right on schedule so it didn't mean a lot to me, but it was enough to convince Jared that I needed to test again on Saturday morning (two days late). As we sat there and watched the hour glass, we were both pretty sure it was negative. We talked about how fast the "Pregnant" had shown up with Paxton (which probably wasn't fast at all at the time, but seems fast in retrospect), and how this one was taking forever. Just like with Paxton, just as we had convinced ourselves that it would be negative, "Pregnant" appeared! We were both speechless, but so excited!

We knew that we wanted to wait a few weeks to tell our families because some people were already suspicious. We didn't want to awkwardly get everyone together and have them basically know before we announced it. Since my birthday was a short month away, we decided to wait for that so we would organically all be together with no suspicion.

We went to Johnnie's for a celebratory breakfast (which coincidentally is the place we frequented most often for breakfast while I was pregnant with Paxton). I tried to ease Jared's nerves by telling him that two wouldn't be that much harder than one (I fully expect to eat my words on that one...but when your husband is a stress ball, you say what you have to say).

Other than the breakfast, and trying to once again limit my caffeine intake, things haven't changed much. I think we are waiting for the first appointment and finally getting to tell everyone to make it real!

Also I was able to wait approximately four days before buying Paxton his first Big Brother t-shirt, and I have stopped myself two separate but equally difficult times from buying tiny newborn sleepers.