Sunday, April 15, 2012

A Lake Trip!

This weekend we decided to take a little family vacation. We got a Groupon to Lake Wister State Park, so a weekend stay was super cheap. The only catch was that we had to go before May. We waited as long as we could so it would be warm enough to enjoy some outdoor time, and Jared ended up having some comp time from all the traveling he has been doing for work, so he got off work early on Friday and we headed east. We were planning on staying at Jared's dad's lake house on Friday night to break the drive up a little for a certain tiny family member.

Before we left, Paxton was pretty busy getting into everything. He scaled the cream soda to get to his bin of toys for the trip. Apparently the toys scattered all over the house weren't enticing enough. This was the first time he climbed.

After I rescued him from his predicament, he went straight for his Easter eggs, busted one open and was eating blue M&M'S before I knew it.

We finally got the car loaded up and made it to the lake house in record time. It's tornado season in OK and we had heard that we might get some bad weather, but we really didn't want to cancel the weekend and we were hoping it was an exaggeration.

We mixed a little bit of chocolate milk in Pax's banana milk and he loved it. He drank three cups in about fifteen minutes.

We walked around outside for a little while looking for the storm shelter that was out there and marveling at how much landscaping some people do for their summer vacation home. When we got back to the cabin, we watched a lot of Rick and had dinner.

Paxton was a little hyper (couldn't be the chocolate milk) and just wanted to wrestle his daddy. I know this picture is super blurry, but I love his little arms wrapped around his daddy.

Then they cuddled a little.

The storms ended up completely missing us that night, but the weather channels were saying that Saturday would be worse. We were supposed to head to Lake Wister in the morning but we weren't crazy about the idea of being out in the wilderness (aka a state park with cabins) in the middle of hail. Plus I didn't want hail damage on my new car! We decided to just head back.

We didn't want to leave without at least visiting the lake, and Jared had a cool new filter he wanted to use to take some pictures. We went to the lake and Pax and I had our own photo shoot while Jared took his own pictures.

He does "soooo big" about a thousand times a day.

He mastered standing on the wobbly dock.

And I had a hard time letting go...

Another "sooo big" moment:

Paxton was getting antsy so we sat in the back of the car with some toys...he threw them all out.

Scattered toys:

Then Daddy wrapped things up and took his boy out to the water.

And we tried a family self-portrait.

We made it home safely and there ended up not being any bad storms. We were a little disappointed that we cut the trip short, but we know it was the right decision. Plus, we got to be home today to celebrate Scarlett's fifth birthday.

I usually make her scrambled eggs every year for her birthday, but we only had Easter eggs this year. So, she got some Easter eggs and some leftover Mexican food. She was excited.

Today is also the four year anniversary of Jared and I getting engaged.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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