Monday, March 5, 2012

Sick with...the Croup???

Pax and I both came down with a runny nose and a little cough on Thursday night. We assumed it was allergies since we had been at the park that day...even though I don't get allergies.

Since then, our coughs have gotten progressively worse. Paxton has been acting like he doesn't feel that good (which could have something to do with the four teeth he's currently sprouting), and since I have a sore throat, I'm assuming he does too. One of our friend's babies just came down with bronchitis and I got nervous. I called Pax's pediatrician this morning, about 70% sure I was doing one of those typical first-time mom overreacting things. I figured I was a little behind on my overreacting doctor visits quota because usually I just call and talk to the that doesn't count right?

Well, Pax's doctor was booked, and I had already diagnosed him with early stages of pneumonia so I didn't want to wait. The scheduler got him in with another doctor in the practice at 10:45. We got there a little early, but got a seat next to the fish tank so Pax was happy. We finally got called back at 11:05 (which never happens with the regular doctor...he's always on time). The nurse weighed Pax, took his temperature and took down his symptoms. Then she left. I guess this doctor wasn't a pediatrician since his room was clearly set up for adults. I had lots of toys and snacks for Paxton and he was pretty happy for awhile...even though it was nap time at 11:00.

Finally at 11:27, the doctor walked in. He was about eighty and in no hurry at all. He looked at Paxton, who was playing with his toy iPhone, with a disgusted face and said, "kids these days are always playing with electronics. In my days we got raisins at the doctor's office and that was it. Guess the days of coloring books are over." Um first of all, he's not playing with an electronic, he's playing with a baby toy that teaches him the alphabet and colors. Second of all, he's 11 months old. He eats crayons. He can't color. Thirdly, he can't have raisins yet because they're a choking hazard. And maybe if we hadn't been waiting for 45 minutes, he would still be happy with his keys or board book.

He swabbed Pax for RSV. He said, "this test takes ten minutes" and walked out. He came back ten minutes later and said it was negative for RSV, and the flu test was also negative. He said we were going to treat it like croup. He sent a prescription to Walgreen's on his computer and walked out. That was it. I was frustrated because my sisters used to get croup and I really didn't think that's what he had. I also had no idea what the prescription was for or how to give it to Pax or what side effects to expect. We had been at this appointment for over an hour, spent about six minutes total with the doctor and had no idea what was going on.

Fortunately, the pharmacist at our Walgreens is amazing. He told me what the medications were for and when and how to give them. He talked to Paxton and made him laugh. It also made me appreciate Paxton's regular doctor.

Hopefully these medicines will knock out the cough and get Pax back to normal.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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