Friday, February 24, 2012


I like to think that my job as a stay-at-home-mom encompasses a little more than babysitting...especially since I cost a little bit more than a daycare. To try to keep Jared convinced that "sacrificing my job" to stay home with Paxton is worth it, I keep some little projects going.

Baby snacks are expensive...and Paxton likes snacks. A few months ago, I spent $17 stocking up on these things:

And they lasted about two I decided that since I was home, I could make snacks myself. I started with some baked sweet potatoes. These were pretty easy after the 30 minutes it took me to peel and chop all of the awkwardly bumpy sweet potatoes (a.k.a. not easy at all...but super cheap and tasty):

I just coated them with a little butter and cinnamon sugar and baked at 350 for about 30 minutes. After they cooled, I let Pax have a few and he loved them. They were really squishy so he could eat them pretty easily. (Jared loved them too...). After that, I just put the rest in ziplock bags and threw them in the fridge. Then, I would toss the bag in the diaper bag when we went out to eat and Pax would just eat them chilly.

I also made some little apple bites that were much easier. I peeled and sliced an apple, then put the little cubes in the microwave for three minutes. They come out the texture of pineapple so Pax won't choke. He loves them and they make him really drooly which is fun.

I got a Hobby Lobby gift card for Christmas from my sweet sister, Maesynne, and after a lot of pinteresting, I decided we NEEDED a yarn wreath for our front door...

All of the blogs I read with instructions said that the yarn part was tedious but not bad...yeah I thought it was bad. An hour of winding yarn around a wreath was not my favorite part, but I thought it turned out cute:

A fun little winter wreath.

Remember growing up when personalization was super cool? Pencils, keychains, magnets, and even lunch boxes came with names. name was never an option. Sure my mom put our names on everything (down to each marker) with puff paint, but it wasn't the same. This led to a tiiiiiny obsession with all things personalized. Somehow, Paxton made it this far without anything I made him a personalized onesie:

Of course, the second time he wore it, we went to story time at the library and he army crawled all over that library floor and now the tummy is stained I guess I'll have to try again.

And here's my intro into the world of wreath-making...a very blurry fall wreath. (and yes, again with the personalization...maybe my obsession isn't so tiny).

So see Jared, I do more than watch trashy daytime tv...I provide decorations for our home, put clothes on our child's back, and food in his tummy (ok, you literally put the food on the table and the clothes on the backs...but still...). It takes a lot of effort to keep this little guy from destroying the house:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. I love all of your craftiness!! Way to go, momma! I'm sure Jared appreciates all that you do. It can't be easy keeping up with that little guy every single day.
