Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Paxton has started the beginning stages of cruising. He can move a few feet along the couch and go from the couch to the coffee table.

He can also walk his feet closer to the couch or table if they're too far away when he pulls up.

At the library yesterday, he pulled up on a little push car and walked behind it for about five steps. He has one like it at home, so I probably need to get it out and let him practice.

He isn't content to sit and play anymore, he wants to be standing up all the time. He has mastered pulling up and does it quickly and efficiently. He has also figured out how to pull up on things that are a little less his jumperoo.

He won't sit down by himself, so when he gets tired of standing he will fuss until I come over and grab his hands, then he sits down. Usually right after I help him sit, he pulls right back up.

He needs to slow down, I'm not ready for a walker!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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