Monday, May 9, 2011

Daddy's Little Boy

Going back to work after spending two weeks at home for Paxton's birth was not easy for Jared.  Not only did he have fun just hanging out with us all day, he also really missed his new baby.  To try to make it easier for him, I sent him several pictures of Paxton from my iPhone every day.  Well some of them turned out really here are a bunch of not so great quality but really cute pictures of daddy's little boy:
Paxton with Granny Pat

Sweet baby feet


Playing in the crib

Adorable crying face

Other than missing Jared, staying at home with Paxton is great!  He is finished with his 6 week growth spurt which has made things much easier.  He was eating every two hours sometimes...and was really fussy in between.  Then yesterday, the growth spurt turned off like a switch.  He slept for 7 hours and then went five hours between feedings which gave us time to spend time with both of our moms.  Jared took me to McAlister's for Mother's Day lunch which was really nice.  He and Paxton got me a manicure/pedicure and a really sweet card.  Then we went to Jared's Granny's house where we spent time with Jared's mom.  Then we met up with my mom and sisters for dinner at Outback.  Paxton was so good the whole time!  He didn't cry even though it had been five hours since his last meal. 

I had a great first mother's day and I really appreciated Jared taking over baby duty for the day.  It was nice to have a break but still be able to be with my little family. 



  1. I can't believe how big he is already. I love the pctures. Happy 1st Mother's Day Caitlynne!

  2. he is just too cute! it's getting ridiculous... i just wanna reach through the screen and rub that bald baby head!!
