Paxton is 4 weeks old now. He has his one month check-up on Friday so we'll see how big he has gotten. At his 2 week appointment he weighed 10 pounds 5 ounces. The doctor was impressed with how well he is growing. He's a great eater!
Lately he has been going longer between feedings: usually at least 3 hours during the day and up to 6 hours at night. I have been loving that because I am able to get some sleep. Since Jared is back at work, I have taken over all the night feedings....which was awfully tough when he wanted to eat every two hours.
Here is Paxton on his first night home:
He looks so tiny in his crib!A few days old:
Daddy strapping him in for his first outing:
We went to Target to get Gramsy a birthday present and then to Ted's with my family for her birthday!
Here is Gramsy blowing out her birthday candles!
We were so glad we were able to get out and celebrate her birthday with her. Paxton slept through the whole thing....even the part where he peed all over his outfit and blanket.
Mommy and Pax:
Family Picture!
One week old!
Tummy Time! 3 Weeks old:
Proud daddy because Paxton is holding his own bottle:
Daddy and Paxton:
Taking a nap with Daddy:
Playing on his frog mat:
After a bath at 4 weeks:
Jared and I are so lucky to have such a sweet, healthy, happy little baby. We can't wait to see who he looks like and what kind of personality he develops!~Caitlynne
I think he just keeps getting cuter with each day! I love the pic of him after his bath all wrapped up in his duck towel... Ahh!! I just wanna reach through the screen and pinch thoses cheeks!