Monday, July 11, 2016

Lincoln's Birth Story

This birth story was a little more difficult to write than my first two since it came very close to having a completely different ending. I still have a hard time thinking about everything that happened without getting emotional. 

I had been seeing a high-risk doctor in addition to my regular OB for reasons I still don't completely understand. My initial appointment with them was to make sure my placenta had moved up after my 17-week ultrasound. It had, but for some reason they kept seeing me throughout the remainder of the pregnancy and I'm honestly not even sure they knew why. At one point the receptionist was asking my doctor for diagnosis codes to submit to insurance and and she was just throwing out words...

So anyway, the high-risk doctor wanted me to be induced at 37 weeks since the baby was measuring big. I thought that was really early and after discussing with my regular OB, we decided 38 weeks was better for everyone. I had an appointment the day before my induction to have a Foley bulb inserted to hopefully push me into labor on my own. I was hoping that I could actually labor at home for once and then go in Thursday morning already dilated and contracting. Right before she placed the bulb, I asked her if the baby was head-down since Porter had been transverse the day before delivery. Even though he had been head-down in his last 2 ultrasounds, she went ahead and checked. She couldn't feel his head. I knew what that meant, but we went across the hall for an ultrasound to confirm. Since I was already undressed, I got to run across the hall in the sheet while my doctor and her nurse blocked me. The ultrasound confirmed that he was in the exact postiionnPorter had been in...transverse. The Foley bulb was out and I was afraid my induction was too, but she quickly came up with another plan. 

Plan B: I would now check into the hospital at 4:00 and she and her partner would attempt a version to turn the baby head down and if it was successful, they would immediately break my water and start pitocin and get things started. I was disappointed. I had been strongly counting on having the ability to actually go into labor at home this time since it was my last labor and I hadn't gotten to experience that yet. We also weren't ready. We didn't have anyone to watch Paxton and Porter yet, the bags weren't packed and our house wasn't clean. My OB told me no more food or drink in case the version resulted in an emergency C-section and it was lunchtime and all I had eaten for breakfast that morning was a banana. I came home and cried for a minute and then Jared sprang into action. He was furiously cleaning the house and running last minute errands while I arranged care for the boys. For some reason, this entire pregnancy I had been having this strong feeling that I was going to die during childbirth. I had talked to one friend about it and she had reassured me that it was basically impossible and Jared had been reassuring me too, but I was still really emotional and nervous. Bevynne came over to watch the boys and suddenly it was time to go. I sat down with Porter and snuggled him and told him I was going to the hospital to get his baby brother out and he could come see us tomorrow and see the baby. He was fine. He gave me a hug and a kiss and went to play with Bevynne. I sat down with Paxton and he started bawling and saying he didn't want me to go, so then I was crying too. I talked to him for awhile about what was happening and who would be with him and how proud I was of him and how helpful he was and he was feeling a little better, but as we walked out the door, he started crying again. Poor guy. It made it really hard to leave. 

We got to the hospital and got checked in and into our room. The nurse started my IV with some fluids and did an ultrasound to confirm he was still transverse. He was. 

The anesthesiologist came in to start my epidural since the version would be very uncomfortable, and so that if I needed an emergency c-section, I would be ready. It was really uncomfortable this time since I wasn't having any contractions to need relief from. He poked me several times and I kept feeling sharp pain to the left of my spine. He finally got it in and my perfectly comfortable bottom half went numb. 

Around 6:00, my doctor came in and they started some medicine to relax my uterus to make the version more successful. They had warned me that the medicine would make my heart race, but I was not expecting the reaction I had. All of a sudden, I could feel my heart pounding and I got really really hot and dizzy and nauseous. Apparently my blood pressure had spiked and they immediately gave me something to lower it. It worked a little too well and my blood pressure plummeted. I was really out of it by that time and was just laying there with my eyes closed while they tried to stabilize everything. It was really scary with lots of activity and medical terminology and I just basically felt awful and had no idea what was happening. Finally, they got things under control and the other doctor had come in at some point and he and my doctor started the version. Even with the epidural, it was pretty uncomfortable. The other doctor pushed so hard that I had bruises all over my stomach the next day, but it worked. They got him turned and immediately broke my water. The other doctor left and my doctor stayed for a little bit to talk to me about what was next. As she left, she said "you had me scared for a minute there!" I thought the worst was over and settled in for a quiet night of labor. 
Pitocin was started and I was at a 2. Jared fell asleep and I dozed off and on between being checked and being moved into different positions. At midnight the nurse told me that I was officially "in labor" according to my contractions and I was at a 4. By 4:30, I was an 8 and around 5:15 I told her I was feeling some pressure. She checked me and I was a 10. She left to get my doctor and a delivery team and I woke Jared up. That lucky guy got to sleep through my entire labor and woke up right in time for delivery. Laboring overnight was my favorite. Nobody was anxiously waiting for me to dilate another centimeter, I got to sleep through some of was just so quiet and peaceful which is weird to say about labor, but it was.
Just before 5:30, the room filled up with nurses and my doctor came in. I had pushed twice with the nurse, so he was right there, ready to come out. It all happened so fast this time which was really nice. The last two times, I got to a 10 and pushed the baby down and then had to wait for nurses and equipment and my doctor. This time, I pushed the baby down right before my doctor came in and three pushes later, he was here!
They put him directly on my chest and we got to do skin-to-skin while they wiped him off and finished up with me. They checked his temp and I was a little low, so they took him to the warmer while he regulated. 
They weighed and measured him, 8 pounds 1 ounce and 21 inches. We sent everyone texts that he was here and my mom and Bevynne came around 7:30. He was still in the warmer but they double wrapped him and said we could keep him out for awhile. We ordered breakfast and got lots of baby snuggles and I nursed him. Everything was fine. 
While everyone was holding him, I got up to go the bathroom and felt a gush of blood. I went to the bathroom and as I was getting back in bed, I felt another gush. I called the nurse in and she pushed on my stomach and as she did, I felt another huge gush. She immediately called in more nurses and the room filled with people as she kept pushing on my stomach, pushing out huge gushes of blood. I was laying there, crying, wondering why she kept pushing so much blood out. There was activity and medical talk all around me, but nobody was talking to me. They had my mom and Bevynne leave, but Jared was sitting next to me holding the baby, also unaware of what was going on. Eventually a doctor came in and started ordering people around. I had tears running down my face and kept asking the nurse closest to my head if I was ok and what was happening. She wouldn't answer me. I got really hot and sweaty and nauseous and told her and she ignored me. Finally a nurse brought me a cold rag and a bag to throw up in, but I kept bleeding. I kept seeing them pull out sheet after sheet covered in blood. I told her I thought I was going to pass out and she said "ok" and kept working. Someone told me they were going to give me a shot to help stop the blood and they inserted Cervadil to help also. At some point my doctor came in and was helping too. I knew things were bad when she came in. My monitors started beeping as my blood pressure plummeted. I think at that point I passed out for a few seconds or minutes and when I woke up, nurses had started to leave. My doctor was still there and finally came over and talked to us. She told me that I had lost a lot of blood and had really scared her. She said to let them know immediately if I felt any more gushes but that she thought it was under control now. She ordered a bag of blood and blood work to find out how much I had lost and when she got the numbers, she inmediatley ordered a second bag. The next day, my numbers were still low and I got two more bags. I told my doctor that everything had seemed really intense and asked her how bad things had been. She told me that she very rarely ordered blood and when she did, it was never more than two bags. She told me that it had been very serious and that she actually would recommend that I didn't have more babies. We had planned on him being our last baby anyway, but that cemented the decision. It was so scary and I can still remember so clearly that feeling of blood gushing out of me. 

I'm so glad that everything turned out ok and we have a healthy little boy. 

Monday, July 4, 2016

June Recap!

June flew by. The summer seems so L ong when it's first starting, but we are quickly realizing that we only have one more full month before a certain little boy starts kindergarten!
Here's how we've been keeping busy so far:

The boys snuck in one last night in their matching jammies before Paxton and Lincoln grew out of theirs. They loved it so much. It was adorable. 
We went to Touch-a-Truck and it was super crowded and hot, but the boys had a blast...except for the part where the sirens were way too loud for Porter. 
We've been spending lots and lots of time at the pool. The boys are obsessed and both can navigate the whole poolwith  their floaties on. Time to learn how to swim without them!
My favorite part of summer so far was tiny Paxton learning how to read! I was reading to him one night and I randomly started pointing at words I thought he would know and he did! Then he started sounding out other words and was really reading! So proud of my biggest boy! This has maybe been my favorite milestone so far. I love watching his face while he tries to sound out words and I love seeing how proud he is when he gets it right!
We took a little weekend trip to Texas to see our besties and had a blast! 
The kids played in the water for hours, ate dinner and were back in the their clothes...

They dried off and changed and went outside to do pop-pops and confetti bombs. 
Lincoln had his first trip to the pool and slept through pretty much the whole thing. He woke up when I dipped his feet in the pool to cool him off and wasn't happy. 
He had his 2 month check-up and is growing well! He's the tiniest boy so far and weighed 11 pounds, 12 ounces and was 22 inches and in the 37th percentile for weight and the 50th for height (although I don't think the nurse stretched him out all the way). I asked the doctor if she thought he had a tongue tie and she said she didn't think so but would bring in 2 other doctors in her practice to double-check. The first came in and said it looked a little tight but was probably fine. The second doctor said he did have a tongue tie and immediately asked his nurse for his scissors and snipped it right there. I was so surprised! But he only cried for a second and nursing is going so much better now!
Aunt Mallory gave Paxton her little tool box from when she was little and he has been out in the garage with Jared every weekend working on projects and figuring out how all the tools work. It's adorable. 
We took a super hero picture for Daddy for Father's Day and I got one with no tears and two smiles! I call it a win. 
The boys are still loving their baby brother and barely give him any personal space, but there is nothing sweeter than seeing them run to him when he's crying and do their very best to console him. 
Paxton hates naps and has figured out an excellent way to stay up without getting in trouble. He works really hard to make his bed and then calls me in to see it. I can't be mad when he's so proud! 
Little Linc has gone from a newborn to a baby and we're loving it. He's way more alert and working on his smiles. He's stingy with them, but when they happen, they're amazing. 
Sunday mornings have become family pool day at our neighborhood pool and we fill it up! We usually stay for hours and have a blast. Then the boys all take epic naps. 
Last Sunday when we got back from the pool, it started raining. I tried to get the boys to go out and play in it. Paxton wouldn't even come outside and Porter just played on the patio and stuck his hand and his bug out to feel the drops. A warm bath was more their speed. 
Paxton got a braum's card for a late birthday gift from Aunt MaeMae and took us all out for ice cream. Porter ended up completely covered in chocolate stickiness but that's what being a little boy is all about! 
Paxton has been going strong with teeball and at his last game, he even ran after a ball and got it! He has improved his attitude so much from last year when he would cry or throw fits if he didn't get to field the ball. 
And finally, Paxton started swimming lessons today. He has started being able to swim from me to the wall and we are hoping to get him to be a full-fledged swimmer by the end of the summer.