Thursday, February 26, 2015

Valentine's Day

Paxton was really excited for Valentine's Day this year. I'm not sure why because I don't think he understands what it is...but we talked about hearts and how they mean "I love you" and other ways to show people love so he was excited when he woke up Saturday morning and it was here! 

We got the boys a few tiny Valentine's Day presents just for fun. Paxton got a new pair of pajamas with feet because that's all he will wear right now and a jeep with a trailer because that's his favorite thing. Porter got a book and pair of bunnies to play with in their Peter Rabbit house. 
After a healthy breakfast (chocolate croissants), we went outside to play. Paxton finally mastered pedaling his trike!! Our neighbor came over to play and brought Paxton a guitar and they jammed out together for about 18 seconds. 
Then Gramsy came over and brought the boys presents (wow, no wonder Paxton was excited). They loved their cars, balls and 101 Dalmatians movie!

After their naps, the boys got to go play at Granny V's while Jared and I went out. 
We joined the gym by our house and worked out together, then came home and got ready in peace and went out for drinks and appetizers at Louie's and then to Interurban for dessert. We loved it! 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Snow Day!

We woke up this morning to a thin layer of sleet on the ground. The boys thought it was snow and started asking to play in it as soon as their eyes opened. After breakfast and bundling up, we headed out. 
Porter was less than thrilled when he realized it was hard and slippery. 
Paxton thought it was awesome. 
Porter couldn't control his emotions long enough to play so he went inside with Daddy. 
Paxton and I used a storage bin as a sled and Paxton zoomed down the driveway over and over. 
Porter came out for a turn but he still hated it...
It was really cold so after about 30 minutes, Paxton and I had had enough. Pax and Porter took a warm bath while sipping some hot chocolate. 

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Parks, Picnics, and Play Dates

The weather here has been gorgeous the past several days and we have been soaking it up as much as we can. Now that we have a backyard again(!!) we are outside every chance we get. The boys are loving picnic lunches out there. 
We have also been re-visiting all our favorite Edmond parks. 
Paxton enjoys them a little differently than he did when we were here he can climb to the highest parts and go down the biggest slides. 
And as much as I want to stand under him, ready to catch him, my time is mostly spent chasing my little runner. 
They've recently discovered holding hands. Paxton loves it because he can drag Porter wherever he wants to go. 
Today we went to a play group at the Edmond Historical Society. They have a kids' area that was pretty fun. My favorite part was the jail...
But the boys preferred the train...
And of course we've been hanging out with Baby Brooks whenever we get a chance.