Jared had to go to Oklahoma in July for work, and we can't pass up a trip to see our family so we tagged along.
The theme of all of our Oklahoma trips is always Braum's. We were in OK for 10 days and I think we went to Braum's 8 times...
While we were there, a cold front hit in July which is completely unheard of. It was 65 and rainy so we had to buy the boys some jackets. 
We had a lot of fun while we were there. We went to the Omniplex.

For part of the trip, we got to stay in a hotel downtown. That meant hotel breakfasts which are Paxton's favorite breakfasts.
And an awesome pool.

The boys tried hummus...

Porter was hooked.

We spent some time at Granny's.

Granny V had some bubbles for the boys (and Regan) which were a big hit.

We visited Uncle Josh and Aunt Candy.

We went to White Water! Paxton was begging to go, so we did.

We went to lunch with Nana/GG and took a four generation picture.

We spent lots of time with Gramsy and the aunts.
Porter played with the kitchen I used to play with at my great grandma's house and my mom played with it when she was little too.

The boys took lots of pretend naps...some under Gramsy's rug.

Paxton and Porter got to spend the night at Granny V's house one night while Jared and I had some adult time with my mom and sisters.
The last day came way too fast, so we packed it full. We met my mom and Aunt Teighynne for a haircut for Porter and one last Braum's trip.

Then we met Granny V, Jessica and Regan at Chick-Fil-A and then went to the pool.
We visited Aunt MaeMae at Starbucks and I had my first drink with my name spelled correctly.
After naps, we hung out with Grandpa Mark while we packed our stuff, then we met Granny V for one last dinner of good Mexican food at Pepe's. We headed to the lake house that night to cut down the 18 hour drive.
The next morning, we hit the road.
Somehow we ran out of room for the pack and play so Jared had to sleep with Paxton and I had to sleep with Porter...needless to say, nobody got much sleep.
I think we were all a little glad to be back home in our own rooms and beds, even though we were sad to leave.