Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Porter is 10 months old today and I am having an impossible time wrapping my head around the fact that he will be ONE in two short months. Ten months is such a fun age. 
At ten months, Porter is crawling everywhere. He has gotten pretty fast. He is less interested in crawling to objects and much more interested in crawling after people. He likes to chase Paxton around and he will not let me leave the room without him. He is pulling up to his knees all the time. Usually to get someone to pick him up or to "help" load the dishwasher. 
He is nursing four times a day and is eating three solid meals and a few snacks. He loves spaghetti more than anything and defintely prefers fruit and bread to veggies or meat. He eats about twice what Paxton eats each meal. 
He can wave and clap, he has made the sign for milk a few times, he loves to give kisses and even gives unsolicited kisses sometimes. He is big on mimicking and will put blocks on top of Paxton's "car houses" and put toys in bins. 
He is getting too big for 9 month clothes. He is in size 3 diapers and has 7 teeth. 
Paxton is his favorite right now. They play together all the time and he thinks Paxton is hilarious. 
He's sleeping from 8:30 or 9 to 7 or 8 the next morning. He takes 2 naps that are about 2 hours each time. 
He is really happy and sweet. He loves to cuddle and be around people. He loves outside and being on the go. He is easy to take to restaurants and stores. 
We love this little baby!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Paxton Talks!

I feel like Paxton is growing up before my eyes all of a sudden. Every day he wakes up and seems so much bigger than he was the day before. His speech is getting so much better and he amazes me constantly with the things he thinks of. 

-He was trying to get his magnetic train cars to stick together today and was having a little trouble. He said "maybe a Mouskatool can help us". 

-He says that things are ridiculous constantly. He has no idea what it means. He just inserts it into conversations whenever he can..."that is dick-you-us!"

-Anytime I am the least bit stressed or mad or I talk too loud or if I'm just not smiling at that exact second, he says "it's okay mommy" and "don't worry mommy". I don't know where he learned don't worry but it's pretty adorable. 

-He has started pretend play. His favorite is to say George is really sick or George is really sleepy or George has a stinky diaper. He loves to feed his stuffed animals snacks and tell me they are taking naps on the carpet. 

-He is determined to get Porter to play hide and seek with him which he calls Peekaboo. He will go somewhere and kind of hide and then call Porter. He says "come on Porter! Come see me! Go, go go! Come see Mister Paxton" and Porter usually follows him. 

-We were watching a movie together last night since Jared is out of town (it was Frozen for the 700th time) and I brought him a piece of candy. He snuggled up to me and said "you're the best mommy". 

-He calls himself a superhero all the time right now. After he says "I'm a superhero" he says "yahoo" and pumps his arms and it reminds me exactly of Lloyd on Entourage. I love it. 

-He started making fart noises on the leather chair today. He does it and then says "I tooted" and we both crack up. After he has done it several times, he stops laughing. Then he gets upset because he isn't laughing. He says "Paxton, laugh!" And then he doesn't laugh so he says "Paxton not laughing" and he gets so mad. 

-Scarlett had an accident on the floor the other day and Paxton saw it. Now he tattles on her constantly. He picks up the phone from his play kitchen and says he's calling Daddy. At some point in every conversation with Daddy, he tells him about Scarlett pooping on the carpet. He also tells me several times each day that Scarlett pooped on the carpet. Sometimes he gets carried away and says Porter pooped on the carpet or even worse, Daddy pooped on the carpet. 

There are so many more adorable and hilarious things he has said lately and I don't want to forget what his sweet voice sounds like trying so hard to put together sentences and expressing his thoughts. I love this stage. 


Paxton and Porter are hilarious together lately. They have started playing together and have quickly become best friends. Porter loves to follow Paxton everywhere he goes and Paxton loves it. With that being said, sometimes they annoy each other...

Sometimes Paxton balances monkeys on Porter's head...
...and when he can't get the monkey to stay, he might get frustrated and dump a whole pile on the little guy's head. 
It has been warmer lately so we have been spending a lot more time outside. This is defintely burning some of their exorbitant amounts of energy. 
Paxton had powdered sugar donuts for breakfast this morning and after he had eaten ten, he decided he was full enough to share and snuck one to Porter who devoured it in eight seconds. 
These two are going to be so much trouble together. 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Valentine's Day!

Just three short years ago, Jared picked me up from work with an overnight bag in the back of the car and surprised me by driving to the Skirvin (the hotel where we stayed on our wedding night). Pre-kids he was always really good at planning romantic surprises. This year was a little different with two kids and the closest babysitter 1200 miles away, things were a little different. 
Paxton wanted IHOP for dinner and since we knew it wouldn't be crazy on Valentine's Day, we agreed. 
It might look a little different than candles and flowers, and watching Paxton eat chocolate pancakes dipped in mustard wasn't the most tantalizing thing I've seen on this holiday, it was perfect. 

We finished the night with a Target trip and I got to kiss three precious Miller boys goodnight. 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

9 Month Stats

We had Porter's 9 month check-up today. He weighed 18 pounds and 2 ounces...3.5 pounds less than Pax weighed at his age. I guess they're not joking about the weight difference between breasted and formula-fed babies!
He was only in the 20-25th percentile which is crazy! The doctor said he looks perfectly healthy and is really playful and social. He is doing fine with his milestones. 

What's Going On

-We're having another snow day here today! The boys and I had a play date yesterday and ran to grab a few things at Wal-Mart afterwards. We went in knowing that there was a chance of snow, but it was completely clear outside. We walked out 20 minutes later and everything was white! I was shocked! Paxton loved it and squealed and laughed the whole way to the car. I did not feel the same. I hate driving in bad weather with the boys in the car so I was a nervous wreck the whole, slippery way home. We made it safely and the snow continued to pound us for the rest of the afternoon and evening. It was defintely the most snow I have ever seen. At some point in the evening it turned into sleet so the snow had a shiny, frozen layer on top. Paxton and I decided that the only way to spend a snowy night was to cuddle under blankets and watch Frozen. 
After lunch today, Jared looked out the window and noticed it was snowing again! It was snowing so hard we could actually hear it! It was crazy. It snowed for a few hours like that, so we are officially snowed in. 

-The boys have been playing so nicely together lately. Paxton is getting a little possessive of his toys (and his favorites of Porter's toys) and Porter is starting to get a little grabby, but overall they get along really well. Paxton likes to burst into Porter's room while he's sleeping and toss toys in his crib and then play with all of Porter's toys. I've been letting him do it lately because I think it's so sweet to hear Paxton in there talking to Porter. He always starts off by saying, "hi Baby, how was your nap?"
-They have a new favorite game together now too. Paxton hides in this little cabinet, Porter crawls over and tries to open the door and Paxton pops out and yells "Peekaboo!" It's adorable. 
Paxton has been begging to go to Cici's lately, so we finally took him. They both loved it; in fact, I think Porter ate more than Paxton. This baby can eat. 
-Neenee got the boys a new kitchen for Christmas and it just came in. The boys love it. Paxton plays with it most mornings before he even watches George which is pretty huge for him. And now that Porter is mobile, he crawls over every chance he gets to dump out the food and to find his favorite ear of corn. 
-Porter had his nine month check-up last week with our new pediatrician. He is 27 inches and 18.2 pounds which only puts him in the 25th percentile. This is crazy to me because Pax was always huge. 
-One drawback to being an early crawler is getting stuck in corners...it happens to this guy sometimes. 
-Spaghetti night is a favorite around here. It's one meal that I know both boys will eat a ton of and it is always followed by bath time. 
-On the other hand, both boys hate scrambled eggs...

We Have a Crawler!

Porter has been getting up on all fours for a few months now. He officially started crawling on Super Bowl Sunday! We were all watching the game and Porter took a couple little crawls. 

By the next Sunday, he had mastered it. He could crawl anywhere he wanted to go. He gets the most determined look on his face and goes for what he wants, usually whatever Paxton is playing with. 

Monday, February 3, 2014

The Big Move-Our First Month

We have lived here for a month now and I haven't done as good of a job documenting it as I hoped! 

Here's how we spent our first month:

We've tried lots of new, local places like Bull City Brewery, Parker and Otis, Highway 55 Burgers and Fries, Biscuitville, Monuts Donuts, Bruegger's Bagels, Elevation Burger, and Mellow Mushroom (I'm actually not sure that these are all "local" places, but they are all new to us). 
We've tried to figure out our way around...the roads are curvy here and not in a nice grid like in Oklahoma so that has been an adjustment. Some of us (Jared) can get around pretty well while some of us (me) refuse to leave the driveway without the GPS. 
We had a sick little baby so we experienced the pediatrician's office and the local pharmacy. 
We've done some fun family activities like Monkey Joe's where Paxton jumped and climbed in various moon bounces until he literally couldn't even walk. We went to the Observation Deck at the airport and watched airplanes and Paxton played on the playground. 
We have experienced the roller coaster winter here and played outside in the sun...
...and the snow. 
We have spent a lot of time together as a family. Paxton has started to ask to have movie night every weekend. He likes to get in his jammies and get all snuggly under a blanket and watch a Disney movie (especially Frozen) and have popcorn. We found a church and have started going and the boys and I joined a mom's group so we are hoping to start spending time with other people too. So far it still feels like an adventure and we are cramming in all the exploration and eating we can handle!